Sunday, January 25, 2009

Images of the Painting I've been working on

Here's a few different stages of the painting I am working on. It is 40x70 and it was started at Casa di Dante in Florence.


Ty Pearson said...

Hey Ryan! Thrilled to see the blog. I'm really sad that I wasn't able to make your open house; had a little last minute emergency that kept me from attending. Looks like an awesome turn out though and, as always, brilliant work.

Ciao capo! Ci sentiremo a piu presto!

Sakievich said...

very nice, it was good seeing that in person.

justin said...

Ryan, GREAT painting!! love it. I regret missing the opening. I'll have to come by. I ended up having to be out of town. Hope all is well -Justin

-Sydney- said...

Is that the one that fell off the roof of your car? I'm glad you got it back.

Jessica said...

Hey Ryan! I love it- It's beauuuutiful. What is the gigantic one behind it going to be???